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Online store

1. Search and put the tests you need in your shopping cart

How to Search

  • By breed: Use the "Search by breed" field to find genetic tests specific to a breed.

  • By keywords: Use the "Search by keywords" field to find information using specific terms.

2. Brushes/Swabs

If you'd like brushes/swabs, check the ¨Include 2 brushes for sampling¨ option and they'll be mailed to you. Alternatively, you can purchase GUM-type brushes from your pharmacy.

If you're buying multiple tests for 1 animal, you only need one set of 2 brushes (e.g. Milou needs to be tested for DM, MDR1, and VWD1, you only tick the option to include 2 brushes once).

If you are testing several animals, you need a set of 2 brushes for each individual tested.

3. Complete your transaction.

We suggest several means of payment (credit card, paypal...) If you have a problem or would like to pay in another way, please contact us. If you haven't received an e-mail with a link to the form for your pet, CLICK HERE!

At home / At the clinic

1. Buccal cell sampling
2. Sending samples by post

No test is sent home. Once you have purchased the test, you must send us the buccal cell sample using the brushes (either the ones you bought on the Betagene website or the ones you buy at the pharmacy).

Send your brushes/swabs and include a copy of the invoice (or indicate your invoice number and name) to the following address:

Isabelle Gilbert
Pav Comtois, Dép sciences animales
2425 rue de L’Agriculture, Local 4223
Université Laval
Québec, QC Canada
G1V 0A6

Download instructions for interdental brushes
Download instructions for swabs sent by Betagene
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