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DNA genetic
analysis services
for animals

Detect hereditary mutations in your dog, cat, horse or other animal with our genetic tests.

These mutations can be associated with hereditary diseases or physical characteristics such as coat color.

Genetic testing can determine whether your pet carries normal or mutated copies of a gene. This information can help explain the expression of certain diseases (e.g. degenerative myelopathy-DM) or alert your vet to your pet's sensitivity to certain drugs (e.g. MDR1).
Breeders use genetic testing to control the spread of hereditary genetic problems, or to select certain breed-specific characteristics. 

Whether you're a breeder, veterinary or owner of a dog, cat or horse, Bêtagène can provide you with genetic tests. Following the analysis, we provide you with a detailed report.
It includes your pet's test results and explanations of the risk of expressing the trait in question (disease, color, etc.) and passing it on.



We make it a point of honor to be close to our customers in order to help you, but also to develop new tests to contribute to the well-being and health of your animals.


You have access to a geneticist and a range of tests to help you with your diagnosis.


You have access to a geneticist and a range of tests to help you make your breeding choices. 

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